7 Chakras Orgonite Crystal Necklace
High-quality crystals are painstakingly hand crafted into a stunning pendant infused with copper and wax rope necklace! It includes a beautiful cloth travel pouch and introduction to 7 Chakras and Reiki card, ideal as a gift for loved ones! Great for spiritual and physical balance and strength. Orgonite Vibes 7 Chakra Stones Layered Necklace helps to filter and balance energy fields in our environment and can aid in strengthening your energy body by converting low frequency energy into a higher frequency that is more beneficial for life forms including yourself, pets and plants (blocks EMF radiation).
-7 chakras crystals pendant (6 cm long) composed of Amethyst (Crown Chakra) Carnelian(Sacral Chakra), Yellow Jade(Solar Plexus), Green Aventurine (Heart Chakra), Lapis Lazuli (Throat Chakra), Clear Crystal(Third-eye Chakra), & Red jasper (Root Chakra) all infused with Copper
-Wax Necklace (adjustable to desired length (already assembled with pendant), cloth traveler’s pouch, introduction to Reiki and 7 chakras card